

BW’s Technology Partnerships Initiative serves as a collaborative platform for local government, public safety agencies, drone operators, and stakeholders, providing them with relevant information and resources. It facilitates efficient communication and coordination among these parties, ensuring open, secure, and safe airspace. By bringing together diverse partners, the TPI drives innovation and economic growth across various sectors, promoting a sustainable and interconnected future.


Drone Flying

Drone Laws in Ohio

This resource by UAV Coach provides information regarding federal, state, and local drone laws and regulations in the state of Ohio.

Cleveland Metroparks

Metroparks Drone Policy

Cleveland Metroparks Drone Regulations provides an example of drone use policy for operators in a public parks and recreation setting.

Drone operator remote control

OAC Rule 3339-16-17

Ohio Administrative Code Rule 3339-16-17 is the governing law for unmanned aircraft systems (drones and model aircraft) in Ohio.

BW TPI NEOFIX Quarterly Reports

These quarterly reports to Cuyahoga County provide updates on the NEOFIX project and its efforts in promoting digital drone infrastructure to support economic development, public safety cyber security, and emergency preparedness in Northeast Ohio.