An article by NBC Columbus shared:
A new Aviation and Aerospace House Committee is taking off at the Ohio Statehouse and will focus on several concepts to support the goal of making Ohio a global leader in that area.
“The sector is huge, and Ohio is primed to be a global leader in this,” chair of the committee Rep. Adam Holmes (R-Nashport) said. “And we need to get that word out and provide the legislative support for the Ohioans who are making this a reality.”
On Tuesday morning, the committee met to lay out its mission statement and goals for this General Assembly “to put Ohio at the cusp of aviation technology.”
Here is their list of priorities:
- Creating AA sector economic growth opportunities (Build/Fix/Fly in Ohio)
- Increasing AA focused skill training opportunities (Learn/Work in Ohio)
- Integrating AA capabilities into existing public service networks (New Normal)
- Supporting public safety/National security objectives (Build in America)
- Increasing public awareness and advocacy (In it to Win it)
Holmes said he wants this committee to benefit all Ohioans and said will work with the Ohio Department of Transportation to execute their ‘Drive Ohio, Fly Ohio’ vision.’
Plus, he said with recent air travel troubles and national security threats, this committee could not have come at a better time.
“The things that we’ve seen, the COVID challenges, with logistics and transportation and unfortunately some of the national security elements we’ve seen over the last two weeks, it’s a reality,” Holmes said. “And being unified and organized as a state is one of the best things, we can do to support the nation and state.”
The full mission statement from the committee is available at the link below.
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