NEOFIX Report Q5 2024
The fifth quarter report of the NEOFIX, a public-private partnership aimed at enhancing public safety in Cuyahoga County, Ohio. The period covered by this report is January 2024 through March 2024, with achievements including stakeholder organization, data assembly for drone operations and public safety, and legislative briefings. Efforts have been aligned with the $450,000 of ARPA Funding, leveraging financial and in-kind contributions towards making the region a leader in drone-ready infrastructure. The report also outlines NEOFIX’s collaboration with state and regional stakeholders in Advanced Air Mobility, aiming to integrate with Ohio’s DriveOhio Advanced Air Mobility framework, reinforcing NEOFIX’s standing as a pioneering model within Ohio and nationally.
The Northeast Ohio Flight Information Exchange (NEOFIX) is a program for local government and public safety agencies to post information for each other and drone operators which keep the region’s airspace open, secure, and safe. This program is vital technology infrastructure necessary to promote a friendly setting for drone use, repair, manufacturing and assembly and jobs development.
Soaring to new heights, together.
Be sure to visit the BWU Technology Partnerships Initiative website to learn more about how our NEOFIX program drives economic growth, promotes policy and infrastructure to improve drone safety and efficiency in various industries, and ensures that drone technology is being used responsibly.